Motivation to Workout

The elegant black dress which should be worn with confidence

You know the awesome feeling when you sign up for the gym, a new Zumba or aerobics class or invest in some expensive exercising equipment?

You have an adrenaline rush and a zeal to make the most out of it but after a few days or weeks find it immensely difficult to hop out of bed or shuffle aside other priorities to stick to your commitment.

Focus on your goals


2020 Vision Board Workshop Focuses on New Year’s Goals | The reason you want to work out is that you want to be fitter and have a specific goal in mind. Give yourself a constant reminder about your goal. Visualisation is a powerful method in goal setting, used by athletes, entrepreneurs, visionaries and anyone who has a goal in mind. It involves using creative imagery to train your mind for success.

Put up a vision board with images that remind you of your goal. E.g. a picture of a fitter and leaner person if that’s the result you are striving for. The more often you see this, the deeper is the need to work towards it.


Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Rewards to Improve Employee Engagement When an activity becomes a habit it is easier to follow through. Until workouts become second nature to you, encourage yourself to endure it by rewarding yourself – a tangible threat for being good enough to stick to the plan.

Focus on your goals


What Is an Accountability Partner? – Accountable2You This is someone who helps you to stick to a commitment. Find someone who you will have to answer to if you fall off from consistent training. Make sure they will be quite demanding. Promise them a big threat if you fail. That will encourage you to try your best not to fail and to stick to your commitment.

Focus on your goals


How to Avoid Shaking Hands Your subconscious mind is incredibly powerful. Using affirmations repeatedly helps to rewire your deeply ingrained thinking patterns, essential for a paradigm shift of your mind. Use short, concise affirmations to tell yourself whatever you want to believe in and manifest in your life. If this is the first time, it might feel silly or strange but once you understand the dynamics of the mind, it will be a very useful tool for training your mind.

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